There is one aspect of Agnes Nwanma’s street adverts that I enjoy very much. That part always cracks me up and draws my attention whenever I see them on road show.

They always say “UNA ABULAYA UBU, O GA ERUTU ONYE OBULA.” The saying can be loosely translated as: “Do not scramble or fight over it because it will surely get to everybody.“

I have consistently admonished my fellow Abians never to support evil no matter how well it favors them. 

There is always one quote I love to hear from Ngwa people. The quote says, “If you see ‘it doesn’t concern me’ in front of your compound, pursue it with everything you have because if you leave it, it will surely concern you.”

Ibe Michael Nwoko, popularly known as Abu Dhabi, was one of the most powerful men in Ikpeazu’s nasty regime since its inception in 2015 till a few weeks ago. He was so powerful in the government to the point he was one of the deciders in Ikpeazu’s government in Abia State. 

He was counted among the strongest three cabal members of Ikpeazu;s government.

He enjoyed every bit of the power and luxury then and was always with the governor. During this period, Abu Dhabi never saw any reason to advise the governor correctly. He was enjoying the flow and was unperturbed about the plights of the common people in the state.

Abu Dhabi believed in the system that brought Ikpeazu and was completely loyal to such evil system which has destroyed everything in Abia State. He enjoyed that system and devoted himself more to the obnoxious system.

While he was the eyes and ears of the governor, Abia workers were suffering and dying in droves as a result of his principal’s intentional refusal to pay workers in the state. Pensioners were dying. Our health system were collapsing. Our roads were completely in ruins. The state’s resources were deeply plundered. There was and still systematic looting of the state. 

Abu Dhabi was enjoying all that and egged on his principal to carry on with the anomalies.

He pampered that evil in the name of loyalty. He allowed his conscience not to feel the rot he was part of. He didn’t bother about the sufferings of the masses one bit.

Today, that evil that he nursed and pampered is destroying him bit by bit. He is now restless. He is now crying like a baby. He is now running like a dog with his tail in between his legs. He is now terrified. The deadly masquerade he pampered and dressed up is now flogging him.

This is just a lesson I got from AGNESS NWANMA’s advert. 

Don’t hustle for it, it will get to everyone.

Abu Dhabi is not the only person in this bracket. A whole lot of persons who romanced with the devil are currently being afflicted with the venom and poison from the evil system they nursed and pampered. I thank God so many have come out openly to apologize for supporting or nursing the evil system in Abia State.

Never support evil no matter who is committing the evil.

Destroy every evil thing you support because it must haunt you down tomorrow.

Today, it is not your turn.

Tomorrow it must be your turn.


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