In everything we do, we must have a sense of occasion and of timing.

I recently visited a dying client in the hospital. He has just passed on and was owing me huge professional fees. 

At the time of my visit, he was actually in coma – surrounded by his wife and children. Would it have been proper, at the time of my visit, to remind the family that their father was owing me professional fees, seeing that the man was about to pass away? 

Soludo is not obligated to support Obi and is entitled to work for any other presidential candidate, including Asiwaju, especially if, in his calculations, that advances his own strategic political interests. But I expected a degree of subtlety and tactical finesse from him. 

What he has done by his crude, careless and totally unprovoked diatribe is to assault the sensibilities of millions, especially in Obi’s natal base which happens to be his, too. 

And now, he must live with the consequences. I will say the same of even a Yoruba man or woman, who, in supporting Obi or Atiku, mocks Asiwaju’s own political aspirations. 

Soludo is reaping his instant rewards already.

Obi’s detractors have crowned Soludo – on Facebook and Twitter – the first Nigerian Executive President of Igbo extraction. 

That is the farthest this stab in the back can take him. 

Obi is one of the mildest and humblest of Igbo men. If his aspiration is drawing so much flack from his detractors (despite Obi’s undoubted meekness) who have now crowned Soludo President-in-waiting just for attacking Obi, I wonder how the aspiration of the brash, pompous, arrogant and intolerant Soludo will, in the fullness of time, win the approbation of his present emergency “supporters.”

Only one candidate will win the presidential contest next February. 

It is therefore, unfathomable loose talk and crass arrogance for anyone, especially someone in Soludo’s position, to arrogate to themselves the right to mock an aspiration and to decide which candidacy is puerile and unviable.

The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect Kaaynan’s editorial stance.


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