CALABAR—There was mild drama, yesterday, at Edim Otop Street in Calabar Municipal Local Government in Cross River State, following the invasion of an apartment by a colony of millipedes sent by some traditionalists to invite one Rev. Okang, who had earlier sent the same to a lady who reneged on her promise to marry him after seeing her through school.

According to an eyewitness, the millipedes mysteriously appeared with lightning during light rain, Tuesday evening.

Findings showed that the lady had responded to the summon by the deity at Okobo, Akwa Ibom State to clear herself but the petitioner (Okang) refused to appear on the second day of the hearing at the shrine.

A resident of the area where Okang resides in Calabar, who identified herself as Mrs Felicia, said the man was simply summoned to narrate his side of the story.

She said: “We saw him yesterday, but nobody has seen him this morning, so we don’t know his whereabouts. The millipedes appeared with a letter when lightning struck while it was raining Tuesday evening.

“I heard he was asked to come and clarify something at the shrine. It is like he was being adamant, so they had to summon him traditionally.”

It would be recalled that Rev. Okang allegedly sent the colony of millipedes to the lady’s residence accusing her of refusing to marry him after seeing her through the university.

A source said: “From what we heard, she told her ex-lover that she can no longer marry him because she cannot end up with an illiterate husband. The man could not stomach the betrayal any longer and then decided to go spiritual.

“We believe the man went to their deity and summoned her from there, somewhere in Akwa Ibom (Oron).“



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