A former flight attendant has warned passengers against drinking hot water on a plane.

Kat Kamalani, who used to work as cabin crew, often shares her tips and secrets with her 840,000 TikTok followers.

In a recent video the social media star warned passengers that there are some things they should never do on a plane, the Daily Star reports – including drinking tea or coffee mid-flight.

It’s a tip she’s already shared in previous videos, claiming water tanks on planes are rarely cleaned and are disgusting.

She had previously warned: “Talk to a flight attendant, we rarely, rarely drink the tea or coffee.

You may want to avoid hot drinks from the trolley ( Image: Getty Images)

“They come from the same water tank and so when you’re drinking that coffee and tea it comes from that hot water and it’s absolutely disgusting.

“The parts in the coffee machine won’t be cleaned unless they are broken and the whole machine is never cleaned and they’re by the lavatories.”

It’s not the first time that a flight attendant has claimed passengers should avoid the water on planes – another member of cabin crew even suggested you should avoid brushing your teeth at the sink.

They warned: “Do not clean your teeth in an airplane loo. The water on a plane all comes from the same water tank and it is not filtered. If you really need to, used bottled water but my main piece of advice would be, do not take your toothbrush or wash bag anywhere near an airplane loo.”

They said that a “deep clean of the airplane loo isn’t always possible” because of the quick turnover often required between flights. However, that’s not to say they’re not cleaned at all.

She explained: “Generally, the cubicles get a quick wipe down straight before a flight. Then during the flight, they tend to be checked every half an hour or so but again, if there are more urgent things going on, checking on the cleanliness of the loos can fall down the priority list.”



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