Beulah World Initiative, BWI, is a Faith-based, not-for-profit organization. 

Registered in Nigeria, BWI is focused on creating livable communities across Africa through taking responsibility for social transformation. 

One of the ways we do this is by direct social impact projects, which includes primary healthcare. That is why we hold medical and food outreaches every month in rural and poor suburban communities in Nigeria. 

We have held more over 55 medical and food outreaches in rural poor suburban communities across Nigeria. 

BWI is on a passionate mission to reach and provide monthly succour to desperate communities. 

In a nation where many suffer and slip into depression on daily basis, we feel duty-bound by our calling to make life easier for those among us struggling to make ends meet.

The Beulah World Initiative started in 2006.

The brainchild of one attention-to-detail woman, a humanist – Chichi Ononiwu – BWI, from its very humble beginning, has grown into a network of friends, leaders of thought and volunteers who are united in creating enduring legacies in the lives of struggling Africans through empowerment, compassion, mentorship, training and skills development and acquisition. We provide initial start-up capital where necessary.

At Beulah World Initiative, we strive to give hope where none exists. We create possibilities in impoverished communities, especially for women, children and the youth. We ameliorate the pain a section of the society feels because of successive government abandonment. 

All in all, we encourage people to take responsibility for their own well-being and personal development as well as that of their immediate environment.

With a dedicated, passionate team, BWI undertakes sustainable projects, including, but not limited to, provision of free medical services such as diagnosis and treatment; food, clothing, workshops, relevant vocational skills training with basic take-off grants. We have other outreach channels such as the Beulah World Initiative Leadership Institute (BWILI) that is focused on youth training and mentorship. 

This month, we are set to launch the “Beulah Water for Health Program,’ a vision God gave us after we visited and interacted with communities lacking in the most basic essentials of life. 

Through this program, BWI will drill a borehole every month in one community in Nigeria lacking access to portable water. 

You can help make this happen. With a gift token today, you will be helping put smile on the faces of many families by reducing their stress of running around for something many in other communities take for granted. 

You won’t have to worry about how your gifts are used as all our projects are published on social media and all partners notified when an outreach is concluded. 

BWI transforms your gifts into life-changing projects in communities. 

Since its inception, BWI has spent well over $100,000 on life-changing, sustainable outreaches and programs. With your help, we can do more to enhance lives in our communities. Please, let the world feel your positive impact through us.

It is the vision of BWI to make our communities a place where our children can dwell in safety as poverty breeds hopelessness which in turn leads to worsening insecurity.

We drive hope!

Giving solves a lot of problems. It restores hope to the downtrodden. It creates avenues for possibilities in hearts and minds. It reduces crime, prostitution, spread of diseases, malnutrition and poverty. It encourages selflessness, social responsibility, leading to personal and national-development.

The results of our work are evident in our communities. 

Our core mission is to advance the living conditions of rural and poor suburban dwellers in Sub-Saharan Africa through improvement of health, support for education, enhancement of social responsibility and poverty alleviation. 

Our funds, so far, are locally sourced – through support from friends and family. Recently, a passionate supporter set up a GoFundMe page for us so as to help us raise funds to meet up with some of our upcoming outreaches and projects.  

You can click on this link to our our GoFundMe page to support our goals however you can: May God bless you as you do that.


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