Musician Peruzzi has told a Nigerian student allegedly stranded in Morocco that the best possible help he could render him was to send him money for his flight ticket back home.

The student, who’s been identified on social media as Yung Majoor, solicited for financial assistance from Peruzzi, claiming he and his colleagues were stranded in Morocco.

Majoor said the Nigerian federal government sent them to Morocco to study on scholarship but had since abandoned them.

He pleaded with the “Majesty” singer for immediate financial assistance with which to pay his rent and restock his food supply, addling that no amount was too small for him.

Yung Majoor wrote: “Hello Good day. I’m a Nigerian student schooling in Morocco. We were brought here in the name of scholarship but we are abandoned sir.

“We barely survive sir. No food. No rent. I don’t go online begging for help but I just have to because I’m stranded.

“The Nigerian government said they would take care of our accommodation, feeding and all. Only for us to get here and it’s different.

“I need to pay my rent and buy food. Please nothing is too small sir. Good bless you.”

In his reply to Majoor, the 32-year-old singer said he could only send him money to return home to Nigeria so he could flog him for trusting the Nigerian government.

“I can only send you money to come back home so I can flog you 5 strokes. Cos Why would you trust the government? This government? Infact 8 strokes,” Peruzzi wrote.


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