John Bryan has insisted that the photos of him apparently “sucking” the toes of Sarah Ferguson – the Duchess of York – was not a sexual moment but part of a fun “game” with the duchess’ daughters – Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie, calling it a “totally innocent beautiful family moment of love.”

Sixty-seven-year-old Bryan – a businessman – was photographed in August of 1992 at a secluded villa in the South of France with Ferguson.

This was months after she was officially separated from Queen Elizabeth’s second son – Prince Andrew.

“We were in a private villa with seven acres of land surrounding us to ensure our absolute privacy,” He told the Mail on Sunday newspaper. “The girls were tiny, just four and two. We were out by the pool and I was practising swimming with the children.”

He added: “Yes, Sarah was topless, but this was the South of France for heaven’s sake. And we were in private – or so we thought. We’re with the kids, having a great time. We used to play fun games, make-believe games.

“On this day we were playing ‘Cinderella’ and I said, ‘Look, let’s kiss Mummy’s toes’. It was part of the game. I did it first and then I think one of the girls, probably Beatrice, did it.

“It was totally innocent; a beautiful family moment of love.”

Bryan was the duchess’ financial adviser, later dating her for four years and is still friends with her, 

He attacked the depiction of the scandal on the new series of ‘The Crown,’ tagging the portrayal a “total fabrication.”

Bryan was indignant: “I have a sense of humour about this but it’s based on a lie. These lies go back three decades.

“Of course it didn’t happen that way.

“My phone has been ringing off the hook with friends calling to tell me I’m in The Crown. In a weird way it’s a great honour to be in the show. But if you go back 30 years, it’s all based on lies. It’s more serious. That’s where the lies started.

“I don’t want to be for ever known as ‘Fergie’s Texan toe-sucking financial adviser.’ For starters, I’m from New York.

“I’ve let it all go for decades. Now all the mistruths are being repeated again. I’ve waited this long. Now I’d like to have the final say.”

Bryan is currently battling bladder cancer. 

He has made an unsuccessful bit at the court to stop the photos from being published, lashing out at the royal family for failing to intervene or support his campaign.

He said: “The knives were out for Sarah at the Palace. Her separation from Prince Andrew had been announced that March.

“In my opinion my bid for an injunction failed at the High Court because of a lack of support from Buckingham Palace. They [the courtiers] should have done their job and should have supported what was right for the Royal Family, which was to support her.

“In the world of British law, the silence from the Royals when I fought to stop the pictures being published was a loud message that, actually, it was OK.”


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