“I had two filling stations in London, which my wife was managing. I sold the two to fund activities of the defunct National Democratic Coalition (NADECO)’’, All Progressives Congress (APC) presidential candidate Asiwaju Bola Tinubu has said.

He made the revelation in a book launched in Abuja by the National Association of political Corresspodents (NAPOC)

The presidential candidate had been interviewed by two seasoned journalists, Gboyega Amoboye and Bosun Oluwabusayomi, for the book.

On June 12 and funding for NADECO, he said Pa Alfred Rewane was also one of the financiers.

On critics’ question about his source of wealth, Tinubu said he has always been investing in business even before joining politics, explaining that  the records are there for all to see.

The book  entitled: “Nigeria’s Aborted Third Republic and June 12 debacle” was unveiled by Otunba Olusegun Runsewe.

Tinubu said NADECO was headed by Chief Anthony Enahoro, Senator Abraham Adesanya, Chief Rewane among some others and was formed to ease the military out of office after the annulment of June 12,1993 presidential election won by the late billionaire businessman, Basorun Moshood Abiola. 

According to him, the military made a mistake by arresting Basorun Abiola and going after NADECO campaigners. They panicked and that gave us more impetus to harass them. We were not afraid, but they were afraid and that was their panic”.

He said: “It was just the act of dictatorship that we were fighting against and they gave us more impetus, courage to fight and continue the struggle”.

On the success of the struggle, Tinubu said it was very successful “though at a stage, many of us were killed. I fell too along Ikorudu Road when security agents were shooting and hurt my knees while trying to protect a boy who was eventually killed”.

Asiwaju has been nursing the knee injury since then.

“Armed security personnel mixed with us to kill and maim”.

On the assessment of the Third Republic, Tinubu said it was one of the best attempts to return to democracy because there were people on both sides, SDP (Social Democratic Party) and NRC (National Republican Convention) who bought the idea of Abiola becoming the President.

He added: “That is when I became very strongly connected with Senator Abu Ibrahim, who is alive today, and late Senator Haliru Dantoro who later became the Emir of Borgu.’ 

Tinubu said great lessons had been learned from the aborted republic especially that the military in government would not be tolerated.

“Till tomorrow, I will never. Power is not served a la carte. We wanted democracy. We subscribed to it”.

He said that without the Third Republic, there would be no fourth. “Without courage, you are no where besides the Mountain Kilimanjaro,” he said.

The Nation


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