The terrorists who attacked an Abuja-Kaduna train in March, killing scores and capturing many,  have threatened to kidnap Pres. Muhammadu Buhari and Kaduna Gov. Nasir El-Rufai.

In a newly released video, the terrorists showed the hostages, vowing to sell and kill them if their demands were not met.

“This is our message to the government of Nigeria and just as you have seen these people here, by God’s grace, you will see your leaders; your senators and governors will come before us.” one of the terrorists said.

“These ones you are seeing here, we will keep some as our slaves and sell them off just as our Imam told you in the past.

“Just like the Chibok girls that were sold off, we will equally sell these ones as slaves. If you don’t adhere to our demands, we will kill the ones we need to kill and sell the remaining.

“By God’s grace, El-Rufai, Buhari, we will bring them here.

“You should understand, look properly it’s not our intention to, but it’s the outcome of what the Nigerian government is doing, setting a committee, a tea party in Kaduna to deliberate on how to rescue these people. They are there enjoying the tea.

“You should know that there is nothing that the committee can do. They can’t do anything. Are you not relying on guns? Your aircraft and your guns are like spiders web to Allah. We are for Allah. We are doing it for Allah. We are not afraid of anybody.

“You should know that this is a little that you’ve seen. Know that if our demands are not met, this place will become an abattoir.”


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