It is Sunday morning. 

The pastor (better known as Daddy General Overseer or Daddy GO for short) has very important government people in his congregation. 

And so, before he mounts the pulpit, he asks Mummy GO (his wife) to use a fowl to prepare a palatable after-service welcome dish for his august visitors.

He is preaching now. 

An assistant finds a way to slip him a note from Mummy GO.

Instantly his countenance switches from pleasant to the exact opposite.

“Who has a cock?” he asks, in a raised tone of voice.

All the men stood up. 

“No. I mean, who has seen a cock?”

All the women stood up. 

“No, no, no! I meant to ask, who has seen a cock that isn’t theirs?”

Half of the women stood up. 

“Oh, common, for Chrissakes, who has seen my cock?” 

All the girls in the choir stood up. 

“O yeee! Yekpaaaa! Ojigbijigbijigbi! Arrrrrrhhh! I don die ooooo,” Mummy GO shouts. 



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