Businesswoman Asiata Oladejo, Wednesday, prayed the Mapo Grade A Customary Court in Ibadan, Oyo State, to grant her divorce on the grounds that her estranged husband, Abidemi, was undependable, accusing him of abandoning her and their children to the mercy of armed robbers.

”My Lord, I am yet to recover from the shock I experienced when a gang of thieves raided our house,” Oladejo said. “He hid in the toilet, leaving me to pant in front of the armed robbers, who terrorised the entire residents of the house.”

When the thieves arrived at around 1 a.m. on that night, her husband was nowhere to be found to defend her and their children, she added.

“Unknown to me, he hid in the toilet,” Oladejo said. “He only came out when they had gone. My husband wanted us to continue living in that house.”

She said she begged him to rent another apartment for them but he refused.

Oladejo also told the court Abidemi is a habitual womaniser.

Abidemi, who is a fashion designer, earlier said his wife was ill-tempered.

”She comes to my shop unannounced to torment me,” he said. ”It is true that I hid in the toilet when armed robbers attacked our house, all the attempts made to bring her back home failed, because she said she was unnecessarily scared.”

Abidemi prayed the court to grant him custody of their three children because he is a responsible father.

Delivering judgment, president of the court, Mrs S. M. Akintayo, granted the order restraining Oladejo from threatening, harassing and interfering in the private life of Abidemi.

Akintayo  granted custody of the three children to Oladejo, adding that she was in the best position to cater for them.

“Both petitioner and respondent shall be responsible for the education and other welfare of the children.

“In addition, Abidemi shall pay a monthly feeding allowance of N20,000 for the children’s upkeep.

“Both of you must maintain peace and order.”

Akintayo noted that there was no marriage to dissolve between the couple because their union could not be considered a marriage as it was not in accordance with the customary laws of Nigeria.


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