A woman says she’s got an unusual sex life because her boyfriend has erections up to 100 times in a day.

The sex that follow the erections tire her out, she said. 

Thirty-one-year-old Vikki Brown said she and Lucas Martins, 39, met by chance in a supermarket queue and have enjoyed a passionate relationship ever since.

However, Lucas’ erections are so frequent they can happen at any time and anywhere such as in a shop or when they’re going for lunch, causing him to go see a doctor, Vikki said. 

But the doctor told him it was not a medical issue.

He said he never experienced this condition before meeting Vikki, blaming it all on her for being a “goddess.”

“She only needs to look at me and speak to me and I get hungry for it,” Lucas said. “If that pheromone and testosterone just link together correctly, I can easily come to bed and look at Vikki and have an erection.”

He added: “I fall asleep with one and wake up with one. She is basically a forbidden fruit and for that reason I just want to eat it.”

No need for Viagra here…He says he never experienced this before meeting Vikki, and puts it down to her being a ‘goddess’ (Picture: SWNS)

Vikki said Lucas has “always believed in good intercourse with his woman and wife-to-be” and that she agrees it brings the relationship closer.

“I do believe that too. He just wants me all the time,” she said.

But she says it’s all starting to get in the way of her doing other things such as chores and keeping appointments.

Vikki and Lucas live separately for now in Stoke-on-Trent in the UK. So she gets a respite every now and then.

Vikki met Lucas during the 2020 lockdown. She wants to know if other people are also  having her experience.

“Through the whole relationship, he’s always had an erection – in shops, restaurants, the gym – there’s no rest from it at all and I just wondered if any other couples are the same,” she said.

Vikki continued: “We actually met in my favourite childhood supermarket: Morrisons – I was in my uniform with wet hair and a mask on and as we were queuing up he walked around the corner with a massive piece of fillet steak in his basket and said ‘wow aren’t you beautiful?’

“We got speaking and I turned down three coffee dates at the start because I was so happy being on my own – we would never have met unless we bumped into each other in Morrisons.

“In bed it’s the same, he can go to sleep with an erection and wake up with one, even though he does night shifts there’s no change in it at all.

“It’s every single place we are – we can be having a perfectly normal everyday conversation like ‘shall we go and climb this mountain next weekend?’ and he has an erection.

’“Can come down the stairs and walk past the glass door and be in the next room and it still happens.”

But Lucas said: “It just seems to be natural, I’ve got a wonderful woman next to me – she’s a goddess.

“After a year when most couples would die down, months and years go by and we get hungrier for each other.

“It’s how she makes me feel, I’ve never experienced before how she makes me feel, our bodies are so connected and that is so easy.”


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