A United Kingdom sportswear manufacturer – MG Sportswear –  said it rescued Nigeria with the production of kits for Team Nigeria at the Commonwealth Games.

Officials of the company said Nigerian officials approached them Tuesday in a frantic, last-minute effort to save face after the team said they were let down by their suppliers.

The Ministry of Youth and Sports Development has, however, declared the claim a fictitious story.

“it was most unfortunate that such malicious lies have been going around,” the media aide to the Sports Minister, Toyin Ibitoye, said.. 

Ibitoye said some 300 Team Nigeria Kits procured by the Ministry of Youth and Sports Development were delivered over two weeks ago and have since been issued to the Nigerian contingent.

Manager Gino Ruffinato insists his 14-staff had been working around the clock to get the garments made for the Nigerian teams.


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