A man in China was sentenced to six months in jail for scaring 1,100 of his neighbour’s chickens to death.

The man, identified only by his surname Gu, snuck onto his neighbour Zhong’s property and used a flashlight to frighten the chickens in the first incident.

The light caused the chickens to flee to a corner of the coop where they trampled over each other to try to escape the brightness, China Daily reported, according to Fox News.

That incident stemmed from a months-long feud between the neighbours that first began in April 2022 when Gu cut down Zhong’s trees without permission, the outlet reported.

Gu became irate after Zhong’s wife got rid of the trees.

The first encounter with the chickens resulted in 500 of the fowl dying.

Gu was arrested an ordered to pay Zhong 3,000 yuan ($586) but the angry neighbour wasn’t finished.

Gu returned to Zhong’s chicken farm and used the killer flashlight once again, causing the deaths of 640 more chickens, the outlet reported.

The 1,100 chickens that died in the two incidents were worth about 13,840 yuan ($2,700), Chinese authorities said.

The Hengyang County court ruled that Gu intentionally caused Zhong to suffer property loss.

In addition to the six-month jail term, he will be on probation for a year.



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