A few days ago, we issued a release on the ongoing looting in different Public institutions and Government facilities. That release was based on consistent  verifiable facts made available to us by individuals working in these government institutions.

In their reactions to the release which  our State Party Publicity Secretary and  I signed jointly, the Chief Press Secretary to the Governor,  Onyebuchi Ememanka and the Commissioner for Information, Eze Chikmnayo respectively took turns to tell us how ignorant we were by making those allegations. 

In his response, the Chief Press Secretary to the Governor who captioned his piece “Dear Ferdinand Ekeoma,

THE GOVERNMENT HOUSE IS NOT A MOTOR PARK NOR A ROAD SIDE OPEN MARKET” tried, albeit in vein to educate me on how organised the Government House is, and also to prove to the world that we are liars,  sadly, he embarrassed the Ikpeazu government, vindicated us, and actually proved to the world that the Abia State Government House is worse than a “Motor Mark and Roadside Open Market” when he wrote thus “Indeed, when I came in, I didn’t like the seat that I met. So I brought my own seat for my own personal use. I also got my own private generator to support my work, especially when there is power failure or when I work very late at night.

When I will be moving out finally before 29th May, I will have to take these my personal effects”

How can someone occupying a position as Sensitive as that of  CPS to the governor bring his personal generator into a Noble Institution like the Government House? Does this alone not show that the place is a theatre for comedy?

If governor Okezie Ikpeazu could build for himself a multi billion naira Edifice as his personal House in Umuobiakwa,  just few months after his assumption of office as governor, then it’s both demeaning and scandalous to hear his CPS tell the world that the Government House is a business centre where individuals come with their personal Furnitures and Generators. No wonder the governor spent 8 years hosting people on official visits at his Country Home instead of the Government House.

Unlike Ememanka who carefully dodged the allegation bothering on the Looting Of the Medical equipment at the COVID-19 Centre at School of Nursing, Amachara Umuahia, Eze Chikamnayo who described me as  ” One hysterical funny fellow called  Ferdinand Ekeoma” got consumed by his own cheap falsehood when he claimed thus;

“On Amachara, some of the items were transferred to the Ware House in Government House and will be made available for use in various health centers accross the state including the Specialist Diagnostic Center that will receive some dialysis machines with other items”

Does it not sound  bizarre that a government would remove such sensitive medical equipment from a hospital where they are most needed, and transfer them to a “Warehouse” in  Government House? Clearly, the government now knows that Abians know more than it can imagine. 

Let me humbly  remind governor Ikpeazu and his appointees that, the essence of our release,  just like other releases, was not to engage them in their usual needless war of words, but to remind them that we have accurate up-to-date information on their activities which are intended to obstruct governance in key government institutions in the state and set a booby trap for the incoming government of Alex Otti. 

It was also to alert and caution those who are being tricked into acquiring government properties illegally, so that they don’t become Victims or Culprits out of ignorance or lack of information. 


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